Generic Approach to Desired Metallic Nanowires Inside Native Porous Al Template

Published:2012-10-27 20:14:00 From:Editor hits:
Metallic nanowires (MNWs) have been the focus of intensive research because of their attractive electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties, with potential applications in microelectronics, optoelectronics, magnetic manipulation, biotechnology, catalysis, and sensors.1-10 Tremendous efforts have been devoted to the synthetic approaches of the MNWs, mainly including porous-templateassisted synthesis3,8-20 and capping-agent-controlled crystal
growth.5,21,22 Comparatively, porous-template-assisted electrodeposition11- 15 and electroless deposition16-20 are the most popular techniques. However, for the porous-templateassisted electrodeposition, electric power is required, whereas for the conventional porous-template-assisted electroless deposition, metallic ions are typically reduced in the presence of organic surfactants,17,20 and pore walls of the template are usually modified via a complex sensitization-preactivation process.

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