Title: My Scientific Adventure in the Past 15+ Years -- from fullerene, electrochromics, dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), virus infection, cell adhesion, radiochemistry, microfluidics, molecular imaging, to printed electronic and organic solar cells
Speaker: Clifton Shen
Date&time: April 15,9:15
Venue: C102
Speaker information:
Dr. Clifton Shen is the founder and owner of Invis Solar, an organic solar cell company.
He was CSO of EFL Tech, one of the advanced technology companies in printed electronics and electroluminescence in Southern hemisphere. Before that Dr. Shen was a faculty member at UCLA Medical School and Director of Crump Cyclotron Facility. He also worked for Siemens Biomarker Solution as a senior scientist before joining UCLA.
Dr. Shen got his PhD at UCLA from Profs. Fred Wudl and Yves Rubin’s labs in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He was the classmate of Prof. Meng. His postdoc research was conducted under Profs. Chad Mirkin and Robert Lamb at Northwestern. Dr. Shen specializes in organic and polymer chemistry. He also have a deep knowledge in the fields of molecular imaging, mass spectrometry, forensic science, microfluidics and bio-/nanotechnology.